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Tech Editing


Ghost Writing Patterns

Have an idea for a pattern but don't know how to put it down in words?

We can do it for you!


Meticulous Grammar and Punctuation Checks


Written out a pattern but need someone to check the grammar and spellings? We can do it for you!

Text and Style Proofreading

Need a complete proof reading for your pattern?

We can do it for you!


Math and Grading Accuracy


Patterns need careful checks for stitch counts and math accuracy- especially if there are different sizes involved.

We can do it for you!

Crisp Tone and Language Suggestions

Succinct and clear wording are the hallmark of any well-written pattern. 

We can do it for you! 

Dina was very accommodating (I don’t use WORD for my patterns) & let me send the pattern to her with google docs. She was very efficient and didn’t take long to edit my pattern. Found mistakes/corrections that I missed. 
The cost was very reasonable, & I was very happy with the experience. If you are looking for a TE, I would definitely recommend using Dina.
- Audrey

Find out more

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help you get your best patterns out in to the world!

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